Source code for tamr_toolbox.data_io.df_connect.client

"""Tasks related to interacting with the Tamr auxiliary service DF-connect"""
from dataclasses import dataclass
import json
import logging
import requests
from enum import Enum
from tamr_toolbox.data_io.df_connect import jdbc_info
from tamr_toolbox.models.data_type import JsonDict
from tamr_toolbox.data_io.file_system_type import FileSystemType
from tamr_unify_client.auth import UsernamePasswordAuth
from typing import Dict, List, Union

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class Client: """A data class for interacting with df_connect via jdbc. Args: host: the host where df_connect is running port: the port on which df_connect is listening protocol: http or https base_path: if using nginx-like proxy this is the redirect path tamr_username: the tamr account to use tamr_password: the password for the tamr account to use jbdc_info: configuration information for the jdbc connection """ host: str port: str protocol: str base_path: str tamr_username: str tamr_password: str jdbc_info: jdbc_info.JdbcInfo
[docs]def from_config( config: JsonDict, config_key: str = "df_connect", jdbc_key: str = "ingest" ) -> Client: """Constructs a Client object from a json dictionary. Args: config: A json dictionary of configuration values config_key: block of the config to parse for values. Defaults to 'df_connect' jdbc_key: the key used to specify which block of df_connect-->jdbc in configuration to be used for picking up database connection information. Defaults to 'ingest' Returns: A Client object """ # proxy and port redirect are optional base_path = config[config_key].get("base_path", "") port = config[config_key].get("port", "") return Client( host=config[config_key]["host"], port=port, protocol=config[config_key]["protocol"], base_path=base_path, tamr_username=config[config_key]["tamr_username"], tamr_password=config[config_key]["tamr_password"], jdbc_info=jdbc_info.from_config(config, config_key=config_key, jdbc_key=jdbc_key), )
[docs]def create( *, host: str, port: str = "", protocol: str, base_path="", tamr_username: str, tamr_password: str, jdbc_dict: JsonDict, ) -> Client: """ Simple wrapper for creating an instance of `Client` dataclass object. Args: host: the host where df_connect is running port: the port on which df_connect is listening protocol: http or https base_path: if using nginx-like proxy this is the redirect path tamr_username: the tamr account to use tamr_password: the password for the tamr account to use jdbc_dict: configuration information for the jdbc connection Returns: An instance of `tamr_toolbox.data_io.df_connect.Client` """ jdbc_information = jdbc_info.create(**jdbc_dict) return Client( host=host, port=port, protocol=protocol, base_path=base_path, tamr_username=tamr_username, tamr_password=tamr_password, jdbc_info=jdbc_information, )
def _get_url(connect_info: Client, api_path: str) -> str: """Constructs and returns url for request to df_connect. Valid for both http and https. Args: connect_info: An object of type JdbcInfo from which to pull host/port api_path: The api endpoint to be called Returns: url: A string of the request url formatted correctly for that instance of df_connect. """ # handle port: if connect_info.port != "": port = ":" + connect_info.port else: port = connect_info.port # handle ssl_redirect api_path = "/".join([connect_info.base_path, api_path.lstrip("/")]) api_path = api_path if api_path.startswith("/") else ("/" + api_path) if connect_info.protocol == "https": url = "https://" + + port + api_path else: url = "http://" + + port + api_path return url def _get_query_config(jdbc_info: jdbc_info.JdbcInfo,) -> Dict: """Packages configuration info into relevant query configuration json (dict) which is used for multiple df_connect API calls. Args: jdbc_info: JdbcInfo object from which to construct the query configuration. Returns: query_config: A dictionary suitable for usage in all df_connect API calls needing a queryConfig parameter """ query_config = { "jdbcUrl": jdbc_info.jdbc_url, "dbUsername": jdbc_info.db_user, "dbPassword": jdbc_info.db_password, "fetchSize": jdbc_info.fetch_size, } return query_config def _get_export_config( multi_value_delimiter: str = "|", limit_records: int = 0, columns_exclude_regex: str = "", ) -> Dict: """Packages relevant pieces of JdbcExportInfo object into an exportDataConfig for jdbc export in form of json dictionary Args: multi_value_delimiter: value with which to delimit multivalues. default is | limit_records: number of records to stream. default is 0 (export all records) columns_exclude_regex: override config file for columnsExcludeRegex, default is empty string Returns: A dictionary suitable for usage in all df_connect API calls around jdbc export """ # build json object export_config = { "mergedArrayValuesDelimiter": multi_value_delimiter, "limitRecords": limit_records, "columnsExcludeRegex": columns_exclude_regex, } return export_config def _get_avro_url_export_config(url: str, dataset_name: str) -> JsonDict: """Generates json needed for using avro(schema) export endpoints. Primary key is always set to [] since needing it is an artifact of the df-connect endpoint Args: url: the url to which the avro(schema) will be written dataset_name: the dataset for which the avro(schema) will be written """ return {"url": url, "datasetName": dataset_name, "primaryKey": []}
[docs]def get_connect_session(connect_info: Client) -> requests.Session: """Returns an authenticated session using Tamr credentials from configuration. Raises an exception if df_connect is not installed or running correctly. Args: connect_info: An instance of a Client object Returns: An authenticated session Raises: RuntimeError: if the a connection to df_connect cannot be established """ auth = UsernamePasswordAuth(connect_info.tamr_username, connect_info.tamr_password) s = requests.Session() s.auth = auth s.headers.update({"Content-type": "application/json"}) s.headers.update({"Accept": "application/json"}) # test that df_connect is running properly url = _get_url(connect_info, "/api/service/health") try: r = s.get(url) r.raise_for_status() except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError): raise RuntimeError( f"Tamr auxiliary service df-df_connect is either not running or not healthy at {url}!" f" Did you install it? Df-connect does not come with default Tamr installation." f" Check its status and your configuration." ) return s
[docs]def ingest_dataset( connect_info: Client, *, dataset_name: str, query: str, primary_key=None ) -> JsonDict: """ Ingest a dataset into Tamr via df-df_connect given dataset name, query string, and optional list of columns for primary key Args: dataset_name: Name of dataset query: jdbc query to execute in the database and results of which will be loaded into Tamr connect_info: A Client object for establishing session and loading jdbc parameters primary_key: list of columns to use as primary key. If None then df_connect will generate its own primary key Returns: JSON response from API call Raises: HTTPError: if the call to ingest the dataset was unsuccessful """ # handle primary key if primary_key is None: primary_key = [] else: primary_key = primary_key.split(",") # establish a df_connect session connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) # ingest data api_path = "/api/jdbcIngest/ingest" query_config = _get_query_config(connect_info.jdbc_info) ingest_data = { "query": query, "datasetName": dataset_name, "primaryKey": primary_key, "queryConfig": query_config, } ingest_url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) f"Streaming data from {connect_info.jdbc_info.jdbc_url} to " f"Tamr with the following query: \n\t{query}" ) r =, data=json.dumps(ingest_data)) # check if successful and if so return True r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def export_dataset( connect_info: Client, *, dataset_name: str, target_table_name: str, truncate_before_load: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> JsonDict: """Export a dataset via jdbc to a target database. Args: dataset_name: the name of the dataset to export target_table_name: the table in the database to update truncate_before_load: whether or not to truncate the database table before load connect_info: A Client object for establishing session and loading jdbc parameters jdbc_key: the key for picking up relevant block for export from config file. See examples directory for usage Returns: JSON response from API call Raises: HTTPError: if the call to export the dataset was unsuccessful """ # establish a df_connect session connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) # export data api_path = "/api/urlExport/jdbc" query_config = _get_query_config(connect_info.jdbc_info) export_data_config = _get_export_config(**kwargs) export_data = { "unifyDatasetName": dataset_name, "queryConfig": query_config, "exportDataConfig": export_data_config, "truncateBeforeLoad": truncate_before_load, "targetTableName": target_table_name, } export_url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) f"Streaming data to {connect_info.jdbc_info.jdbc_url} from this " f"Tamr dataset: \n\t{dataset_name}" ) r =, data=json.dumps(export_data)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def execute_statement(connect_info: Client, statement: str) -> JsonDict: """Calls the execute statement endpoint of df-df_connect. Args: statement: the SQL statement to be executed connect_info: A Client object for establishing session and loading jdbc parameters Returns: JSON response from API call Raises: HTTPError: if the call to df_connect was unsuccessful """ # establish a df_connect session connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) # parse query config from main configuration query_config = _get_query_config(connect_info.jdbc_info) # export data api_path = "/api/jdbcIngest/execute" execute_data = {"queryConfig": query_config, "statement": statement} execute_url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) f"Execute statement {statement} using the following jdbc url {query_config['jdbcUrl']}" ) r =, data=json.dumps(execute_data)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def profile_query_results( connect_info: Client, *, dataset_name: str, queries: List[str] ) -> JsonDict: """ Profile the contents of JDBC queries via df_connect and write results to a Tamr dataset. For example the query "select * from table A" means that all rows from table A will be profiled, while "select * from table A where name=="my_name"" will only profile rows meeting the name=="my_name" condition. The same Tamr dataset can be used for profile results from multiple queries Args: dataset_name: Name of Tamr dataset for the profiling results queries: list of JDBC queries to execute in the database, the results of which will be profiled connect_info: A Client object for establishing session and loading jdbc parameters Returns: JSON response from API call Raises: HTTPError: if the call to profile the dataset was unsuccessful """ # primary key must be passed but isn't used primary_key = [] # establish a df_connect session connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) # run profiling api_path = "/api/jdbcIngest/profile" query_config = _get_query_config(connect_info.jdbc_info) profile_data = { "queryTargetList": [ {"query": query, "datasetName": dataset_name, "primaryKey": primary_key} for query in queries ], "queryConfig": query_config, } profile_url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) f"Profiling data from {connect_info.jdbc_info.jdbc_url} to Tamr with the " f"following queries: \n\t{queries}" ) r =, data=json.dumps(profile_data)) # check if successful, and if so, return request JSON r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def export_dataset_avro_schema( connect_info: Client, *, url: str, dataset_name: str, fs_type: Enum ) -> Union[JsonDict, bool]: """ Takes a connect info object and writes the avro schema to specified url for specified dataset. By default assumes HDFS but if local_fs is set to true writes to server file system. Args: connect_info: The connect client to use url: the location in the relevant file system to which to write the avro schema dataset_name: the name of the dataset fs_type: the remote filesystem type. Currently supports 'HDFS' and 'LOCAL' Returns: json returned by df-connects /urlExport/<hdfs/serverfs>/avroSchema endpoint Raises: HTTPError: if the call to export the schema was unsuccessful """ if fs_type == FileSystemType.LOCAL: api_path = f"/api/urlExport/{fs_type.value}/avroSchema" elif fs_type == FileSystemType.HDFS: api_path = f"/api/urlExport/{fs_type.value}/avroSchema" else: error = ( f"trying to use unsupported type {fs_type}, supported are " f"'{FileSystemType.LOCAL.value}' and '{FileSystemType.HDFS.value}'" ) LOGGER.error(error) raise ValueError(error) url_export_config = _get_avro_url_export_config(url, dataset_name) # establish a df_connect session and make API call connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) r =, data=json.dumps(url_export_config)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def export_dataset_as_avro( connect_info: Client, *, url: str, dataset_name: str, fs_type: Enum ) -> Union[JsonDict, bool]: """ Takes a connect info object and writes the corresponding avro file to specified url for specified dataset. By default assumes HDFS but if local_fs is set to true writes to server file system. Args: connect_info: The connect client to use url: the location in the relevant file system to which to write the avro schema dataset_name: the name of the dataset fs_type: the remote filesystem type. Currently supports 'HDFS' and 'LOCAL' Returns: json returned by df-connects /urlExport/<hdfs/serverfs>/avroSchema endpoint Raises: ValueError: if using an unsupported type of file system HTTPError: if the call to export the dataset was unsuccessful """ if fs_type == FileSystemType.LOCAL: api_path = f"/api/urlExport/{fs_type.value}/avro" elif fs_type == FileSystemType.HDFS: api_path = f"/api/urlExport/{fs_type.value}/avro" else: error = ( f"trying to use unsupported type {fs_type}, supported are " f"'{FileSystemType.LOCAL.value}' and '{FileSystemType.HDFS.value}'" ) LOGGER.error(error) raise ValueError(error) url_export_config = _get_avro_url_export_config(url, dataset_name) # establish a df_connect session and make API call connect_session = get_connect_session(connect_info) url = _get_url(connect_info, api_path) r =, data=json.dumps(url_export_config)) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()