Source code for tamr_toolbox.notifications.slack

"""Tasks related to creation of Slack notifications"""
import logging
import time
import os
from typing import Union, List, Optional

from tamr_unify_client import Client
from tamr_unify_client.operation import Operation

from tamr_toolbox.models.operation_state import OperationState
from tamr_toolbox.utils.operation import get_details, from_resource_id

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Building our documentation requires access to all dependencies, including optional ones
# This environments variable is set automatically when `invoke docs` is used
BUILDING_DOCS = os.environ.get("TAMR_TOOLBOX_DOCS") == "1"
    # Import relevant optional dependencies
    import slack

[docs]def send_message( *, slack_client: "slack.WebClient", channel: str, message: str, raise_error: bool = True, ) -> dict: """Sends a message to a pre-defined Slack channel Args: slack_client: A Slack WebClient channel: A (public) Slack channel to receive messages message: A message to be sent to a Slack channel raise_error: A boolean value to opt out raising Slack API errors Returns: The data property of the Slack WebClient object Raises: SlackApiError: if the SlackClient does not post the message correctly and `raise_error` is set to True """ # This function requires slack, an optional dependency from slack.errors import SlackApiError try: slack_response = slack_client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=message) except SlackApiError as e: LOGGER.error(f"Error: {e}") if not raise_error: return { "type": "SlackError", "text": f'The message: "{message}" failed to send to channel: {channel}', "details": e.response["error"], } else: raise e else: return
def _send_job_status_message( *, slack_client: "slack.WebClient", channel: str, operation: Operation, notify_states: List[OperationState], ) -> dict: """ Checks operation state and if in `notify_states` sends the message. Args: slack_client: A Slack WebClient channel: A (public) Slack channel to receive messages operation: A Tamr Operation notify_states: States for which notifications should be sent Returns: The data property of the Slack WebClient object """ state = OperationState[operation.state] if state in notify_states: message = get_details(operation=operation) return send_message(slack_client=slack_client, channel=channel, message=message)
[docs]def monitor_job( tamr: Client, *, slack_client: "slack.WebClient", channel: str, operation: Union[int, str, Operation], poll_interval_seconds: float = 1, timeout_seconds: Optional[float] = None, notify_states: Optional[List[OperationState]] = None, ) -> List[dict]: """ Monitors a Tamr Operation and sends a Slack message to a channel when the job status is updated Args: tamr: A Tamr client slack_client: A Slack WebClient channel: A (public) Slack channel to receive messages operation: A job ID or a Tamr operation poll_interval_seconds: Time interval (in seconds) between subsequent polls timeout_seconds: Time (in seconds) to wait notify_states : States for which notifications should be sent, use None for all states Returns: A list of messages with their config sent via the Slack WebClient object """ if notify_states is None: notify_states = [ OperationState.SUCCEEDED, OperationState.FAILED, OperationState.CANCELED, OperationState.PENDING, OperationState.RUNNING, ] started = time.time() list_responses = [] status = None if isinstance(operation, Operation): op = operation else: op = from_resource_id(tamr=tamr, job_id=operation) while (timeout_seconds is None or time.time() - started < timeout_seconds) and status not in [ OperationState.SUCCEEDED, OperationState.FAILED, OperationState.CANCELED, ]: # Check the status of the current operation. # If the state is updated such that status!=new_status then send a message and # update `status`. # The loop exits if hits the timeout or if the jobs is in # a final state (SUCCEEDED/FAILED/CANCELED). # Note that it will always send a message about any status that has been # updated before exiting op = op.poll() new_status = OperationState[op.state] if status != new_status: message = _send_job_status_message( slack_client=slack_client, channel=channel, operation=op, notify_states=notify_states, ) list_responses.append(message) status = new_status time.sleep(poll_interval_seconds) if status not in [ OperationState.SUCCEEDED, OperationState.FAILED, OperationState.CANCELED, ]: # If the operation was not in a final state then assume it timed out message = send_message( slack_client=slack_client, channel=channel, message=( f"The job {op.resource_id}: {op.description} took longer " f"than {timeout_seconds} seconds to resolve." ), ) list_responses.append(message) return list_responses