Source code for tamr_toolbox.project.categorization.metrics

"""Tasks related to metrics for Tamr Categorization projects"""
import logging

from tamr_unify_client.categorization.taxonomy import Taxonomy
from tamr_unify_client.dataset.resource import Dataset
from tamr_unify_client.project.resource import Project

from tamr_toolbox.models import data_type
from tamr_toolbox.utils import operation

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CONFIDENCE_DATASET_SUFFIX = "classifications_average_confidences"

def _check_dataset_with_confidence(dataset: Dataset) -> bool:
    Checks if the dataset contains necessary attributes for obtaining confidence information

        dataset: Tamr dataset object

        True if the dataset contains required attributes to compute the average confidence;
        False otherwise

        RuntimeError: if the dataset does not contain 'classificationPath' or 'averageConfidence'
    # check required attributes are present
    attribute_names = [ for attribute in]
    if "classificationPath" not in attribute_names or "averageConfidence" not in attribute_names:
        wrong_attribute_error = (
            f"You might be using a version of Tamr unsupported for this functionality because "
            f" 'classificationPath' and 'averageConfidence' attributes are missing are missing"
            f" from dataset {}."
        raise RuntimeError(wrong_attribute_error)
    return True

def _check_taxonomy_depth(project: Project, *, tier: int) -> bool:
    Checks the maximum depth of the taxonomy associated wit

        project: Tamr project object
        tier: integer specifying the tier from which to extract categories

        whether tier exceed the maximum taxonomy depth or not

        ValueError: if tier is greater than maximum taxonomy depth

    # depth check is not required for leaf nodes
    if tier == -1:
        return True

    max_depth = 0
    classification_project = project.as_categorization()
    taxonomy = classification_project.taxonomy()
    categories = taxonomy.categories()

    for category in categories:
        if len(category.path) > max_depth:
            max_depth = len(category.path)

    if max_depth < tier:
        invalid_tier_value_error = (
            f"Invalid value for tier {tier}. Maximum depth detected is {max_depth}."
        raise ValueError(invalid_tier_value_error)
    return True

def _create_leaf_node_set(taxonomy: Taxonomy) -> set:
    Extracts leaf nodes from taxonomy and returns them in a set.
    For a taxonomy with paths [[cat1], [cat1, cat11], [cat2], [cat1, cat12], [cat1, cat11, cat111]]
     the function returns set('cat2', 'cat1|cat11|cat111', 'cat1|cat12')

        taxonomy: Tamr Taxonomy object for a categorization project

        Set of all leaf nodes in taxonomy, where node paths are joined by '|' if taxonomy is
    all_set = set()
    parent_set = set()
    for category in taxonomy.categories().stream():
        if category.parent():
    leaf_set = all_set - parent_set
    return leaf_set

def _extract_confidence(*, dataset: Dataset, category_set: set) -> data_type.JsonDict:
    Extracts tier-specific average confidence from a Tamr internal dataset
    `<unified dataset name>_classifications_average_confidences` to a dictionary

        dataset: Tamr internal Dataset with a name ending in
        category_set: set of category paths at the desired tier

        dictionary - keys are category paths, joined by '|' if multi-level taxonomy. Values are
        average confidence of the corresponding keys, where it is None if no confidence exists for
        the category.
    confidence_dict = {}
    for record in dataset.records():
        path = "|".join(record["classificationPath"])
        if path in category_set:
            confidence_dict[path] = record["averageConfidence"]

    empty_confidence_categories = category_set - set(confidence_dict.keys())
    for category in empty_confidence_categories:
        confidence_dict[category] = None

    return confidence_dict

def _get_categories_at_tier(project: Project, *, tier: int) -> set:
    Extracts categories at tier from a taxonomy associated with Project

        project: Tamr project object
        tier: integer specifying the tier to extract the categories;
              -1 will return all leaf categories

        set of category paths at tier, joined by '|' if multi-level taxonomy
    classification_project = project.as_categorization()
    taxonomy = classification_project.taxonomy()
    categories = taxonomy.categories()

    category_set = set()
    if tier > 0:
        for category in categories:
            if len(category.path) == tier:
        # leaf nodes
        category_set = _create_leaf_node_set(taxonomy)
    return category_set

def _get_dataset_with_confidence(project: Project) -> Dataset:
    Retrieves internal dataset required to extract tier-specific average confidence

        project: Tamr project object


        RuntimeError: if the required internal dataset does not exist in `project`
    dataset_name = f"{project.unified_dataset().name}_{CONFIDENCE_DATASET_SUFFIX}"
    # check if the dataset can be retrieved
        dataset = project.client.datasets.by_name(dataset_name)
    except KeyError:
        dataset_not_found_error = (
            "Classification project could be incomplete, or you might be using a version of Tamr "
            "unsupported for this functionality because required dataset could not be found in "
            "the project datasets."
        raise RuntimeError(dataset_not_found_error)
    return dataset

[docs]def get_tier_confidence( project: Project, *, tier: int = -1, allow_dataset_refresh: bool = False ) -> data_type.JsonDict: """ Extracts tier-specific average confidence from a Tamr internal dataset `<unified dataset name>_classifications_average_confidences` in a dictionary Args: project: Tamr project object tier: integer specifying the tier to extract the average confidence; default value will return the average confidence at all leaf categories allow_dataset_refresh: if True, allows running a job to refresh dataset to make it streamable Returns: dictionary - keys are category paths, joined by '|' if multi-level taxonomy and values are average confidence of the corresponding keys Raises: RuntimeError: if `dataset` is not streamable and `allow_dataset_refresh` is False; TypeError: if tier is not of type int; or if the project type is not classification ValueError: if tier is less than -1 or equal to 0 """ f"Retrieving average confidence for taxonomy nodes in project {} " f"(id={project.resource_id})." ) # check project type is categorization try: project = project.as_categorization() except TypeError: not_categorization_error = f"Project {} is not a classification project." LOGGER.error(not_categorization_error) raise TypeError(not_categorization_error) # check necessary dataset can be obtained dataset = _get_dataset_with_confidence(project) # check tier is valid if type(tier) is not int: wrong_tier_type_error = f"Tier {tier} is not an integer." LOGGER.error(wrong_tier_type_error) raise TypeError(wrong_tier_type_error) if tier < -1 or tier == 0: invalid_tier_value_error = ( f"Invalid value for tier {tier}. Tier cannot be 0 or less than -1." ) LOGGER.error(invalid_tier_value_error) raise ValueError(invalid_tier_value_error) # check dataset can be streamed if not dataset.status().is_streamable: if allow_dataset_refresh:"Refreshing dataset {} to make streamable.") op = dataset.refresh() operation.enforce_success(op) else: cannot_stream_error = ( f"Dataset {} is not streamable. " f"Refresh it first, or run with allow_dataset_refresh=True" ) LOGGER.error(cannot_stream_error) raise RuntimeError(cannot_stream_error) # check dataset contains necessary attributes assert _check_dataset_with_confidence(dataset) # check tier does not exceed maximum taxonomy depth assert _check_taxonomy_depth(project, tier=tier) # obtain categories at tier selected_category_set = _get_categories_at_tier(project, tier=tier) # extract average confidence tier_confidence_dict = _extract_confidence(dataset=dataset, category_set=selected_category_set) return tier_confidence_dict