Source code for

"""Tasks related to running jobs for groups of Tamr projects"""
from typing import List, Optional
import logging

from tamr_unify_client.operation import Operation
from tamr_unify_client.project.resource import Project
from tamr_toolbox.models.project_type import ProjectType

from tamr_toolbox.project import (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def run( project_list: List[Project], *, run_apply_feedback: bool = False, run_estimate_pair_counts: bool = False, ) -> List[Operation]: """Run multiple projects in order Args: project_list: A list of Tamr projects run_apply_feedback: Whether train should be called on the pair matching model or categorization model (based on project type) run_estimate_pair_counts: Whether an estimate pairs job should be run Returns: The operations that were run Raises: NotImplementedError: Raised if run() is called on an unsupported project type """ operations = [] for project in project_list: target_type = ProjectType[project.type] if target_type == ProjectType.SCHEMA_MAPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS: operations.extend( elif target_type == ProjectType.CATEGORIZATION: operations.extend( project.as_categorization(), run_apply_feedback=run_apply_feedback ) ) elif target_type == ProjectType.DEDUP: operations.extend( project.as_mastering(), run_apply_feedback=run_apply_feedback, run_estimate_pair_counts=run_estimate_pair_counts, ) ) elif target_type == ProjectType.GOLDEN_RECORDS: operations.extend( else: error_msg = ( f"Function run.continuous_operations not defined for project type {project.type}" ) LOGGER.error(error_msg) raise NotImplementedError(error_msg) return operations
def _find_upstream_projects( project: Project, all_projects: Optional[List[Project]] = None, project_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, upstream_projects: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> List[Project]: """ Check for upstream projects that have source datasets that require updating Args: project: a tamr project track of projects that need to be checked for upstream dependencies all_projects: list of all projects that exist within Tamr project_list: keeps track of projects that have yet to be checked for upstream dependencies. upstream_projects: list to keep track of projects within a chain of projects Returns: upstream_projects: final list of tamr projects in a chained workflow """ # Obtain the name of project to be updated and initiate the list of # projects (project_list) that are maintained within the check_for_upstream_project # function to check for upstream dependencies # Get project_id from project project_id = project.resource_id if not upstream_projects: upstream_projects = [] project_list = [project_id] all_projects = {} for project in project.client.projects: all_projects[] = project.resource_id for project_id in project_list: # Obtain resource id of project to be updated from the dictionary of # project details project = project.client.projects.by_resource_id(project_id) if project.resource_id not in upstream_projects: upstream_projects.append(project.resource_id) # Remove the current project from the list tracking projects that # need to be reviewed for upstream projects/dependencies project_list.remove(project_id) project_source_datasets = project.client.get( f"/api/versioned/v1/projects/{project.resource_id}/inputDatasets" ).json() relative_ids = [dataset["relativeId"] for dataset in project_source_datasets] # Check which upstream projects the upstream datasets derive from for relative_id in relative_ids: dataset_details = project.client.datasets.by_relative_id(relative_id) # If these projects are linked to further datasets upstream, # keep track of these upstream projects in project_list upstream_datasets = dataset_details.usage().usage.output_from_project_steps if upstream_datasets: for upstream_dataset in upstream_datasets: upstream_project = upstream_dataset.project_name project_id = all_projects[upstream_project] if project_id not in project_list: project_list.append(project_id) # If there are projects added to the project list, check whether these # projects have dependencies upstream by rerunning the # check_for_upstream_datasets recursively if project_list: return _find_upstream_projects( project=project, project_list=project_list, all_projects=all_projects, upstream_projects=upstream_projects, ) else: # If the first project in the chain is reached, return the list of # projects that need to be updated # Reverse list of projects so that the first project in the chain is # returned first upstream_projects.reverse() upstream_projects = [ project.client.projects.by_resource_id(project_id) for project_id in upstream_projects ] return upstream_projects
[docs]def get_upstream_projects(project: Project) -> List[Project]: """ Check for upstream projects associated with a specified project Args: project: the tamr project for which associated upstream projects are retrieved """ # Retrieve upstream projects (if any) from a specified Project upstream_projects = _find_upstream_projects(project) return upstream_projects