
Operation State

Enum representing operation states in Tamr

class tamr_toolbox.models.operation_state.OperationState[source]

A dataclass representing job state codes in Tamr

  • SUCCEEDED – Status when a job has completed successfully

  • FAILED – Status when a job has been terminated due to an error

  • CANCELED – Status when a job been terminated due to cancelation by a user or the job service

  • PENDING – Status when a job has been submitted and is waiting to begin running

  • RUNNING – Status when a job is active

Project Type

Enum representing project types in Tamr

class tamr_toolbox.models.project_type.ProjectType[source]

A dataclass representing the project type codes in Tamr

  • SCHEMA_MAPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS – Schema Mapping Project Type

  • DEDUP – Mastering Project Type

  • GOLDEN_RECORDS – Golden Record Project Type

  • CATEGORIZATION – Categorization Project Type

Validation Check

Dataclass for validation check information

class tamr_toolbox.models.validation_check.ValidationCheck(passed, details)[source]

A dataclass for exchanging the results of validation checks.

  • passed (bool) – A boolean indicating True if the validation check passed

  • details (Dict[str, Any]) – A JSON object containing more information about the results of the validation check