Source code for tamr_toolbox.utils.operation

"""Tasks related to Tamr operations (or jobs)"""
import logging
from typing import Union, List, Optional
from time import sleep, time as now

from tamr_unify_client import Client
from tamr_unify_client.operation import Operation
from tamr_toolbox.models.operation_state import OperationState

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def enforce_success(operation: Operation) -> None: """Raises an error if an operation fails Args: operation: A Tamr operation """ if not operation.succeeded(): raise RuntimeError( f"Operation {operation.resource_id} failed. Description: {operation.description}." f"Status: {operation.status}" )
[docs]def from_resource_id(tamr: Client, *, job_id: Union[int, str]) -> Operation: """Create an operation from a job id Args: tamr: A Tamr client job_id: A job ID Returns: A Tamr operation """ return Operation.from_resource_id(tamr, str(job_id))
[docs]def get_latest(tamr: Client) -> Operation: """Get the latest operation Args: tamr: A Tamr client Returns: The latest job """ op = get_all(tamr)[0] return op
[docs]def get_details(*, operation: Operation) -> str: """Return a text describing the information of a job Args: operation: A Tamr operation Returns: A text describing the information of a job """ return ( f"Host: {} \n Job: {operation.resource_id} \n " f"Description: {operation.description} \n Status: {operation.state} " )
[docs]def get_all(tamr: Client) -> List[Operation]: """Get a list of all jobs or operations. Args: tamr: A Tamr client Returns: A list of Operation objects. """ response = tamr.get( "/api/versioned/v1/operations", headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, stream=True ).json() ops = [Operation.from_json(tamr, item) for item in response] return ops
[docs]def get_active(tamr: Client) -> List[Operation]: """Get a list of pending and running jobs. Args: tamr: A Tamr client Returns: A list of Operations objects """ ops = get_all(tamr) active_states = [OperationState.PENDING, OperationState.RUNNING] active_ops = [op for op in ops if OperationState(op.state) in active_states] return active_ops
[docs]def wait( operation: Operation, *, poll_interval_seconds: int = 3, timeout_seconds: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Operation: """Continuously polls for this operation's server-side state. Args: operation: Operation to be polled. poll_interval_seconds: Time interval (in seconds) between subsequent polls. timeout_seconds: Time (in seconds) to wait for operation to resolve. Raises: TimeoutError: If operation takes longer than `timeout_seconds` to resolve. """ started = now() while timeout_seconds is None or now() - started < timeout_seconds: if operation.status is None: return operation elif operation.status["state"] in [OperationState.PENDING, OperationState.RUNNING]: sleep(poll_interval_seconds) elif operation.status["state"] in [ OperationState.CANCELED, OperationState.SUCCEEDED, OperationState.FAILED, ]: return operation operation = operation.poll() raise TimeoutError(f"Waiting for operation took longer than {timeout_seconds} seconds.")
[docs]def monitor( operation: Operation, *, poll_interval_seconds: float = 1, timeout_seconds: float = 300, ) -> Operation: """Continuously polls for this operation's server-side state and returns operation when there is a state change Args: operation: Operation to be monitored. poll_interval_seconds: Time interval (in seconds) between subsequent polls. timeout_seconds: Time (in seconds) to wait for operation to resolve. Raises: TimeoutError: If operation takes longer than `timeout_seconds` to resolve. """ status = OperationState[operation.state] started = now() while timeout_seconds is None or now() - started < timeout_seconds: operation = operation.poll() new_status = OperationState[operation.state] if operation.status is None: return operation elif new_status == status: sleep(poll_interval_seconds) else: return operation raise TimeoutError(f"Waiting for operation took longer than {timeout_seconds} seconds.")