# Tamr Toolbox The Tamr Toolbox is a Python library created to provide a simple interface for common interactions with Tamr and common data workflows that include Tamr. The more specialized [Tamr Python Client](https://github.com/Datatamer/tamr-client) library is used for direct interactions with Tamr in both the development of the Tamr Toolbox and in the recommended use of the Tamr Toolbox. ## Basic Installation `pip install 'tamr-toolbox[all]'` [See more installation options](installation.md) ## Basic Example **project.config.yaml** ```yaml logging_dir: "/home/data/project/logs" my_tamr_instance: host: "" protocol: "http" port: "9100" username: "example-username" password: "example-password" my_project_ids: ["2", "8", "9"] ``` **example-script.py** ```python from tamr_toolbox import utils from tamr_toolbox import workflow # Read in config from yaml config = utils.config.from_yaml("/home/data/project/conf/project.config.yaml") # Make a logger for your script logger = utils.logger.create(__name__, log_directory=config["logging_dir"]) # Optionally, configure tamr_toolbox to write to the same log file utils.logger.enable_toolbox_logging(log_directory=config["logging_dir"]) # Create a Tamr Client tamr_client = utils.client.create(**config["my_instance_name"]) # Use the Tamr Client to create a list of Projects from project ids my_projects = [tamr_client.projects.by_resource_id(p_id) for p_id in config["my_project_ids"]] # Write your own logging message logger.info(f"Running projects loaded from config: {[p.name for p in my_projects]}") # Use the tamr_toolbox.workflow module to run a list of projects workflow.jobs.run(my_projects) ``` ## Permissions Tamr Toolbox functions require appropriate user permissions. A list of user roles and permissions is avaliable on the [Tamr Core documentation](https://docs.tamr.com/new/docs/permissions-matrix-by-user-role) page. Because Tamr Toolbox is aimed at advanced functionality not available through the UI, it is recommended to authenticate your client using a user with `admin` permissions. ## Reference * [Installation](installation.md) * [Examples](examples.md) * [Modules](modules.md)