Source code for tamr_toolbox.project.categorization.taxonomy

"""Tasks related to editing the taxonomy for a tamr categorization project"""
import logging
import os

from tamr_unify_client import Client
import json
import copy

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Building our documentation requires access to all dependencies, including optional ones
# This environments variable is set automatically when `invoke docs` is used
BUILDING_DOCS = os.environ.get("TAMR_TOOLBOX_DOCS") == "1"
    # Import relevant optional dependencies
    import pandas as pd

def _get_children_nodes(all_categories: list, target_node: str):
    Gets all the children nodes for a given node ID from the full taxonomy

        all_categories: List of all categories of the taxonomy returned by categories API
        target_node: Full internal ID of target node to get children for

    Returns: List of children nodes including non-leaf nodes under the given target node
    first_pass_children = [cat for cat in all_categories if cat["parent"] == target_node]
    if len(first_pass_children) == 0:
        # Node is a leaf node:
        children_nodes = []
        children_nodes = first_pass_children
        # Iterate to get children at subsequent tiers:
        while True:
            new_children_all = []
            for node in first_pass_children:
                new_children = [cat for cat in all_categories if cat["parent"] == node["id"]]
                if len(new_children) > 0:
            if len(new_children_all) == 0:
                # No deeper tiers found.
                # Look for deeper tiers among the nodes found in the last iteration:
                first_pass_children = new_children_all

    return children_nodes

[docs]def delete_node(client: Client, project_id: str, path: list, force_delete: bool = False): """ Deletes a node from a taxonomy. Args: client: Tamr client connected to target instance project_id: ID of the categorization project path: Full path of the node to be deleted force_delete: Optional flag. Default is false. If true, deletes even if there are still records assigned to that category. If false, the operation fails with an error. Returns: None """ # Get all categories to extract category ID: cat_response = client.get(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories") all_cats = json.loads(cat_response.content) target_cat = [cat for cat in all_cats if cat["path"] == path][0] target_cat_full_id = target_cat["id"] target_cat_id = target_cat_full_id.split("/")[-1] # Check if there are any children nodes to the target node: children_nodes = _get_children_nodes(all_cats, target_cat_full_id) all_children_ids = [cat["id"] for cat in children_nodes] all_children_ids.append(target_cat_full_id) # Check if there are any records verified to the category to be deleted: verified_cats_response = client.get(f"projects/{project_id}/categorizations/labels/records") node_records = [] for line in verified_cats_response.iter_lines(): record = json.loads(line) if "verified" in record: if record["verified"]["category"]["categoryId"] in all_children_ids: node_records.append(record) if len(node_records) == 0:"No records found for node {path} or any children nodes. Deleting node.") client.delete(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories/{target_cat_id}") else: f"There are verified records under node {path}. Deleting the node without " f"moving these records will result in loss of work. If you wish to proceed " f"set force_delete flag to True." ) if force_delete:"Force Delete is set to true. Deleting node {path}") client.delete(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories/{target_cat_id}") else: delete_node_error = "Force delete is set to false. Exiting without deletion." LOGGER.error(delete_node_error) raise RuntimeError(delete_node_error) return
[docs]def rename_node(client: Client, project_id: str, new_name: str, path: list): """ Renames an existing node in the taxonomy. Args: client: Tamr client connected to target instance project_id: ID of the categorization project new_name: New name to assign to the leaf node path: Full path of the existing leaf node to rename Returns: None """ body = {"path": path, "name": new_name} # Get all categories to extract category ID: cat_response = client.get(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories") all_cats = json.loads(cat_response.content) target_cat = [cat for cat in all_cats if cat["path"] == path][0] target_cat_id = target_cat["id"].split("/")[-1]"Renaming category id {target_cat_id} in project {project_id} to {new_name}") response = client.put(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories/{target_cat_id}", json=body) # Log an error if the operation failed: if not response.ok: content = json.loads(response.content) rename_node_error = ( f"Renaming node {target_cat_id} failed with message " f"{content['message']}" ) LOGGER.error(rename_node_error) raise RuntimeError(rename_node_error) return
[docs]def create_node(client: Client, project_id: str, path: list): """ Creates a category with the specified path in the project taxonomy. Args: client: Tamr client connected to target instance project_id: ID of the categorization project path: Full path of the new category to be added Returns: None """ body = {"name": path[-1], "path": path}"Creating new category {path[-1]} in project {project_id}") response ="projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories", json=body) # Log an error if the operation failed: if not response.ok: content = json.loads(response.content) create_node_error = f"Creating node {path[-1]} failed with message {content['message']}" LOGGER.error(create_node_error) raise RuntimeError(create_node_error) return
[docs]def get_taxonomy_as_dataframe(client: Client, project_id: str) -> "pd.DataFrame": """ Returns the taxonomy for a project given the project ID. Args: client: Tamr client connected to target instance project_id: ID of the categorization project Returns: Current taxonomy categories as a dataframe Raises: RuntimeError: if project is not a categorization project or if the taxonomy does not exist """ # This function requires pandas, an optional dependency import pandas as pd"Retrieving taxonomy for project ID {project_id}") response = client.get(f"projects/{project_id}/taxonomy/categories") # Check for bad or empty response: if not response.ok or (response.text == "[]"): empty_response_error = ( f"There was no taxonomy found for project {project_id}. Check if the project_id is " f"correct and if there is an existing taxonomy." ) LOGGER.error(empty_response_error) raise RuntimeError(empty_response_error) max_depth = 0 categories = [] for blob in response.json(): category = blob["path"] max_depth = max(max_depth, len(category)) categories.append(category) tiers = [f"T{i}" for i in range(1, max_depth + 1)] taxonomy_dict = {} for tier in tiers: taxonomy_dict[tier] = [] for category in categories: for tier_index, tier_name in enumerate(tiers): node_name = None if len(category) > tier_index: node_name = category[tier_index] taxonomy_dict[tier_name].append(node_name) return pd.DataFrame(taxonomy_dict)
def _create_action(record_id: str, category_path: list): """ Internal function to create the actions to POST to the updateRecords API. Args: record_id: The ID of the record to be labeled. category_path: The path of the category to assign to the record. Returns: Action in correct format. """ action = { "action": "CREATE", "recordId": record_id, "record": {"verified": {"category": {"path": category_path}}}, } json_row = json.dumps(action).encode("utf-8") return json_row def _batch(iterable, n=500): """ Internal function to batch payload to POST categorizations API """ total_len = len(iterable) for ndx in range(0, total_len, n): yield iterable[ndx : min(ndx + n, total_len)]
[docs]def move_node( client: Client, project_id: str, old_node_path: list, new_node_path: list, move_verifications: bool = True, ): """ Function to move a node in a taxonomy to a new path. By default, the function will also move any verified categorizations under the old node to the new paths. Args: client: Tamr client connected to the target instance. project_id: Project ID of categorization project. old_node_path: List of the full path for the node to be moved. new_node_path: List of the full path for where the node is to be moved to. move_verifications: Optional boolean argument to move verifications to the new path. Setting to false may result in loss of work. Returns: None """ # First we need to get all the paths of nodes to be moved: taxonomy_df = get_taxonomy_as_dataframe(client, project_id) all_paths = taxonomy_df.agg(lambda x: list(x.dropna()), axis=1).tolist() paths_to_move = [path for path in all_paths if all(x in path for x in old_node_path)] paths_to_move.sort() # Now we need to generate the new paths: new_paths = copy.deepcopy(paths_to_move) length_to_replace = len(old_node_path) for path in new_paths: path[:length_to_replace] = new_node_path # Next we want to create all the new paths. This operation is safe if the paths exist: for path in new_paths:"Creating the new nodes") create_node(client, project_id, path) # Then, we want to move any existing verifications from the old to new paths: if move_verifications: payload = [] # First get all the verified records: verified_cats_response = client.get( f"projects/{project_id}/categorizations/labels/records" ) all_records = [] for line in verified_cats_response.iter_lines(): all_records.append(json.loads(line)) # Check if there are any verified responses in the stream: verified_recs = [record for record in all_records if "verified" in record] # Next, for each node, check if there are any verified responses: if len(verified_recs) > 0: for i in range(len(paths_to_move)): sub_records = [ record for record in all_records if record["verified"]["category"]["path"] == paths_to_move[i] ] if len(sub_records) == 0: continue else: # If there are records, create actions to move them: for record in sub_records: action = _create_action(record["recordId"], new_paths[i]) payload.append(action) # Post verified records in batches:"Moving verified records from {old_node_path} to {new_node_path}") for batch in _batch(payload): f"projects/{project_id}/categorizations/labels:updateRecords", data=(row for row in batch), ) # Finally, delete the original node (all children will also be deleted): delete_node(client, project_id, old_node_path)"Successfully moved {old_node_path} to {new_node_path}") return