Source code for tamr_toolbox.sysadmin.instance

"""Tasks related to a Tamr instance"""
import re
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Any

import subprocess
import logging
import time
import os

import yaml

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Building our documentation requires access to all dependencies, including optional ones
# This environments variable is set automatically when `invoke docs` is used
BUILDING_DOCS = os.environ.get("TAMR_TOOLBOX_DOCS") == "1"
    # Import relevant optional dependencies
    import paramiko

def _run_remote_command(
    command: str,
    remote_client: "paramiko.SSHClient",
    command_input: Optional[bytes] = None,
) -> (int, str, str):
    """Runs the provided command in a remote environment using the provided ssh client

        command: The command to run
        remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection
        command_input: Content to send to stdin after command is started
        verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level

        (exit code of command, stdout of command, stderr of command)


    command_details_message = (
        f"Running command [{command}] on "
        f"remote machine ({remote_client.get_transport().getpeername()[0]}) "
        f"as user '{remote_client.get_transport().get_username()}'."
    if verbose:

    # Initiate command
    stdin_file, stdout_file, stderr_file = remote_client.exec_command(command)
    command_channel =

    # Provide input to command (such as a password) if given
    if command_input is not None:

    # While waiting for command to complete,
    # Collect command output
    # Some bash scripts do not close their stderr and stdout even after the exit status is ready
    # This leads to calls like stdout_file.readlines() to hang indefinitely
    # We empty the buffer instead to avoid this issue
    full_stdout = ""
    full_stderr = ""
    while True:
        stderr = command_channel.in_stderr_buffer.empty().decode("utf-8")
        stdout = command_channel.in_buffer.empty().decode("utf-8")
        if len(stdout) > 0:
            full_stdout += stdout
            if verbose:
      "STDOUT: {stdout}")
                LOGGER.debug(f"STDOUT: {stdout}")
        if len(stderr) > 0:
            full_stderr += stderr
            if verbose:
      "STDERR: {stderr}")
                LOGGER.debug(f"STDERR: {stderr}")

        if command_channel.exit_status_ready():

    command_output_message = f"Command ended with exit code {command_channel.exit_status}."
    if verbose:

    return command_channel.exit_status, full_stdout, full_stderr

def _run_local_command(
    command: str, *, command_input: Optional[bytes] = None, verbose=False
) -> (int, str, str):
    """Runs the provided command in the local shell

        command: The command to run
        command_input: Content to send to stdin after command is started
        verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level
        (exit code of command, stdout of command, stderr of command)

    command_details_message = f"Running command [{command}] on local machine."
    if verbose:

    # Initiate command
    process = subprocess.Popen(
        command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True

    # Provide input to command (such as a password) if given
    if command_input is not None:

    # Wait for command to complete
    # Collect command output
    # Some bash scripts do not close their stderr and stdout even after the exit status is ready
    # This leads to calls like stdout.readlines() to hang indefinitely
    # We use peek instead to avoid this issue
    full_stdout = ""
    full_stderr = ""
    while True:
        stdout = process.stdout.peek().decode("utf-8")
        stderr = process.stderr.peek().decode("utf-8")
        if len(stdout) > 0:
            full_stdout += stdout
            if verbose:
      "STDOUT: {stdout}")
                LOGGER.debug(f"STDOUT: {stdout}")
        if len(stderr) > 0:
            full_stderr += stderr
            if verbose:
      "STDERR: {stderr}")
                LOGGER.debug(f"STDERR: {stderr}")

        if process.poll() is not None:

    command_output_message = f"Command ended with exit code {process.returncode}."
    if verbose:

    return process.returncode, full_stdout, full_stderr

def _run_command(
    command: str,
    remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None,
    impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None,
    impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None,
    enforce_success: bool = True,
) -> (int, str, str):
    """Runs the provided command in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise
    run the provided command in the local shell

    If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user.
    If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation,
    otherwise sudo is used

        command: The command to run
        remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection
        impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as
        impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username
        enforce_success: Whether to throw an error if the command fails
        verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level

        (exit code of command, stdout of command, stderr of command)

        RuntimeError: Raised when enforce_success is True and the command exists with an non-0 code

    # If a username is specified, switch users for running the command
    if impersonation_username is not None:
        if impersonation_password is None:
            # If no password is provided use sudo
            command = f"sudo su - {impersonation_username} -c '{command}'"
            password_input = None
            # If a password is required pass it into the running process
            command = f"su - {impersonation_username} -c '{command}'"
            password_input = impersonation_password.encode("utf-8")
        # If no username is specified, no password is needed
        password_input = None

    # Run the command on the local or remote system
    if remote_client is None:
        exit_code, stdout, stderr = _run_local_command(
            command, command_input=password_input, verbose=verbose
        exit_code, stdout, stderr = _run_remote_command(
            command, remote_client=remote_client, command_input=password_input, verbose=verbose

    # When enforce_success is True, raise an error for non-zero exit codes
    if enforce_success and exit_code != 0:
        if remote_client is None:
            task_description = f"local command."
            remote_ip = remote_client.get_transport().getpeername()[0]
            remote_username = remote_client.get_transport().get_username()
            task_description = f"Failed to run remote command on {remote_ip} as {remote_username}."
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"{task_description} "
            f"Command: [{command}] exited with code {exit_code}.\n"
            f"STDOUT: [{stdout.strip()}]\n"
            f"STDERR: [{stderr.strip()}]"
    return exit_code, stdout, stderr

[docs]def start_tamr( *, tamr_install_dir: str, include_dependencies: bool = True, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, verbose=False, ) -> None: """Starts the Tamr software and the Tamr dependencies if include_dependencies is true. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed include_dependencies: Whether Tamr dependencies should be started remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: Raised if Tamr start script(s) fail """ if include_dependencies:"Starting Tamr dependencies.") _run_command( command=f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/", remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, verbose=verbose, )"Starting Tamr software.") _run_command( command=f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/", remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]def stop_tamr( *, tamr_install_dir: str, include_dependencies: bool = True, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, verbose=False, ) -> None: """Stops the Tamr software and the Tamr dependencies if include_dependencies is true. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed include_dependencies: Whether Tamr dependencies should be stopped remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: Raised if Tamr stop script(s) fail """"Stopping Tamr software.") _run_command( command=f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/", remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, verbose=verbose, ) if include_dependencies:"Stopping Tamr dependencies.") _run_command( command=f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/", remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]def restart_tamr( *, tamr_install_dir: str, include_dependencies: bool = True, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, verbose=False, ) -> None: """Restarts the Tamr software and the Tamr dependencies if include_dependencies is true. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed include_dependencies: Whether Tamr dependencies should be restarted remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username verbose: Whether the full command, stdout, and stderr should be logged at INFO level Returns: None Raises: RuntimeError: Raised if Tamr start or stop script(s) fail """ stop_tamr( tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, include_dependencies=include_dependencies, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, verbose=verbose, ) start_tamr( tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, include_dependencies=include_dependencies, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]def get_configs( *, config_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, config_search_regex: Optional[str] = None, user_defined_only: bool = False, tamr_install_dir: str, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieves configuration values from a Tamr instance. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: config_names: A list of configuration names to fetch the value for, when None all configurations will be fetched config_search_regex: A regular expression used to filter the names of the configurations to return user_defined_only: Whether to filter to only user defined config tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username Returns: A dictionary of Tamr configuration variables and their values """"Retrieving {'user defined ' if user_defined_only else ''}config from Tamr.") user_defined_flag = " --userDefined" if user_defined_only else "" command = f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/utils/ config:get{user_defined_flag}" if config_names is not None: command = f"{command} {' '.join(config_names)}" exit_code, stdout, stderr = _run_command( command=command, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, ) # Tamr returns configs in yaml form, here we convert to a dictionary representation configs = yaml.load(stdout, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if config_search_regex is not None:"Filtering to config names containing the regex '{config_search_regex}'.") compiled_regex = re.compile(config_search_regex, re.IGNORECASE) return {key: value for key, value in configs.items() if} else: return configs
[docs]def get_config( *, config_name: str, tamr_install_dir: str, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Any: """Retrieves a configuration value from a Tamr instance. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: config_name: The configuration names to fetch the value for tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username Returns: A dictionary of Tamr configuration variables and their values """ return get_configs( config_names=[config_name], config_search_regex=None, user_defined_only=False, tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, )[config_name]
[docs]def set_configs( *, configs: Dict[str, Any], tamr_install_dir: str, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Sets configuration values in a Tamr instance. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: configs: A dictionary of configuration variables and their desired values tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username Returns: A dictionary of Tamr configuration variables and their values for any configuration values that were changed by running this command """"Setting {len(configs.keys())} configs in Tamr.") # When setting values, Tamr warns about invalid config names but does not error # So we get all config to validate config names before sending the config:set command starting_config = get_configs( tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, config_names=None, config_search_regex=None, user_defined_only=False, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, ) invalid_config_names = set(configs.keys()).difference(starting_config.keys()) if len(invalid_config_names) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Cannot set provided Tamr configs. " f"Invalid config names found: {invalid_config_names}" ) # Run the set command command = ( f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/utils/ config:set " f"{' '.join([f'{key}={value}' for key, value in configs.items()])}" ) _run_command( command=command, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, ) # Retrieve all config again, to allow us to provide all config modified by the change # A set action can impact other config values due to formula calculations ending_config = get_configs( tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, config_names=None, config_search_regex=None, user_defined_only=False, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, ) return {key: value for key, value in ending_config.items() if starting_config[key] != value}
[docs]def set_config( *, config_name: str, config_value: Any, tamr_install_dir: str, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Sets configuration values in a Tamr instance. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Args: config_name: The name of the configuration variable to update config_value: The desired value for the configuration variable tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username Returns: A dictionary of Tamr configuration variables and their values for any configuration values that were changed by running this command """ return set_configs( tamr_install_dir=tamr_install_dir, configs={config_name: config_value}, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, )