Source code for tamr_toolbox.utils.custom_button

Helper functions related to creating & managing custom UI buttons as yaml files.

Due to how Tamr custom buttons are configured, these functions will
need to be run on the actual server on which Tamr is installed to work as expected.

Important: Custom buttons are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import yaml
import os

from tamr_unify_client import Client
from tamr_toolbox.sysadmin.instance import _run_command
from tamr_toolbox.utils.version import requires_tamr_version

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def _check_valid_page_name(*, pagename: str):
    """Checks that pagename provided is a valid Tamr button page name
        pagename: Name of page provided

        True if page name is acceptable
    valid_pagenames = [
        "Dataset Catalog",
        "Users and Groups",
        "Categorization:Category Details",
        "Categorization:Project Datasets",
        "Categorization:Schema Mapping",
        "Categorization:Unified Dataset",
        "Golden Records:Golden Records",
        "Golden Records:Rules",
        "Mastering:Group Records",
        "Mastering:Project Datasets",
        "Mastering:Schema Mapping",
        "Mastering:Unified Dataset",
        "Schema Mapping:Dashboard",
        "Schema Mapping:Project Datasets",
        "Schema Mapping:Schema Mapping",
        "Schema Mapping:Unified Dataset",

    return pagename in valid_pagenames

def _check_valid_abs_path(dir: str):
    Function to check provided path is absolute path
    and is not $TAMR_HOME/tamr/auxiliary-sevrices/conf

        dir: directory provided


        ValueError: If path is not absolute or equal to
    # Check absolute
    if not os.path.isabs(dir):
        value_error_message = f"Output directory must be absolute path."
        raise ValueError(value_error_message)

    bad_paths = ("tamr/auxiliary-sevrices/conf", "tamr/auxiliary-sevrices/conf/")

    if dir.endswith(bad_paths):
        value_error_message = (
            f"Output directory must not be $TAMR_HOME/tamr/auxiliary-sevrices/conf."
        raise ValueError(value_error_message)

[docs]def create_redirect_button( *, extension_name: str, button_id: str, button_text: str, page_names: List[str], redirect_url: str, open_in_new_tab: bool, output_dir: str, button_name: str, ) -> str: """Create yaml file with all required attributes for a 'REDIRECT' UI button. Yaml file is saved locally. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Args: extension_name: Name of button extension button_id: A short identifier for the button to use in the, body of a POST call or a redirect URL path substitution. button_text: The button label to display in the UI. page_names: The pages of the UI on which to display the button. redirect_url: The URL that the browser should load open_in_new_tab: If true, the specified URL opens in a new browser tab. output_dir: Directory to save yaml file (absolute path) button_name: Name of yaml file Returns: Path to yaml file created """ # Path validation _check_valid_abs_path(output_dir) # Minor url validation if not redirect_url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): value_error_message = f"Invalid url. Must begin with http:// or https://" LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) # Page name validation invalid_pages = [p for p in page_names if not _check_valid_page_name(pagename=p)] if invalid_pages: value_error_message = ( f"Invalid pagename(s): {invalid_pages}. See docs for allowed Tamr button page names" ) LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) button_dict = { "extensionName": extension_name, "buttons": [ { "buttonType": "redirectButton", "buttonId": button_id, "buttonText": button_text, "pageNames": page_names, "redirectUrl": redirect_url, "openInNewTab": open_in_new_tab, } ], } file = f"{button_name}.yaml" filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, file)"Saving {file} to {output_dir}") with open(f"{filepath}", "w") as yaml_file: yaml.dump(button_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=False) return filepath
[docs]def create_post_button( *, extension_name: str, button_id: str, button_text: str, page_names: List[str], post_url: str, post_body_keys: List[str], success_message: str, fail_message: str, display_response: bool, output_dir: str, button_name: str, ) -> str: """ Create yaml file with all required attributes for a 'POST' UI button. Yaml file is saved locally. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Args: extension_name: Name of button extension button_id: A short identifier for the button to use in the, body of a POST call or a redirect URL path substitution. button_text: The button label to display in the UI. page_names: The pages of the UI on which to display the button. post_url: The target URL for a POST API call post_body_keys: Specifies the keys to request in the body of the POST call success_message: The message that displays to the user when the POST call succeeds. fail_message: The message that displays to the user when the POST call fails. display_response: Whether the contents of the API response body should display to the user. output_dir: Directory to save yaml file (absolute path) button_name: Name of yaml file Returns: Path to yaml file created """ # Path validation _check_valid_abs_path(output_dir) # Minor url validation if not post_url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): value_error_message = f"Invalid url. Must begin with http:// or https://" LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) # Page name validation invalid_pages = [p for p in page_names if not _check_valid_page_name(pagename=p)] if invalid_pages: value_error_message = ( f"Invalid pagename(s): {invalid_pages}. See docs for allowed Tamr button page names" ) LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) button_dict = { "extensionName": extension_name, "buttons": [ { "buttonType": "postButton", "buttonId": button_id, "buttonText": button_text, "pageNames": page_names, "postUrl": post_url, "postBodyKeys": post_body_keys, "successMessage": success_message, "failMessage": fail_message, "displayResponse": display_response, } ], } file = f"{button_name}.yaml" filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, file)"Saving {file} to {output_dir}") with open(f"{filepath}", "w") as yaml_file: yaml.dump(button_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=False) return filepath
[docs]def create_button_extension(*, extension_name: str, buttons: List[str], output_dir: str) -> str: """ Given a list of button yaml files, save it as a grouped extension yaml file. Yaml file is saved locally. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Args: extension_name: Name of button extension to save buttons: List of button yaml files (absolute paths) output_dir: directory in which to save yaml extension file (absolute path) Returns: Path to yaml file created """ # Path validation _check_valid_abs_path(output_dir) # Create dicts from the yaml files dict_list = [] for file in buttons: with open(file, "r") as loaded_file: button_object = yaml.safe_load(loaded_file) button_dict = button_object["buttons"][0] dict_list.append(button_dict) file = f"{extension_name}.yaml" filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, file) output_dict = {"extensionName": extension_name, "buttons": dict_list}"Saving {file} to {output_dir}") with open(f"{filepath}", "w") as yaml_file: yaml.dump(output_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=False) return filepath
[docs]def create_button_extension_from_list( *, extension_name: str, output_dir: str, buttons: List[dict] ) -> str: """ Given a list of button dictionaries, save it as a grouped extension yaml file. Yaml file is saved locally. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Args: extension_name: Name of button extension to save output_dir: directory in which to save yaml extension file (absolute path) buttons: List of button dictionaries. Either redirect or post. Format examples: --- redirect: { "buttonType": "redirectButton", "buttonId": button_id, "buttonText": button_text, "pageNames": page_names, "redirectUrl": redirect_url, "openInNewTab": open_in_new_tab } --- post: { "buttonType": "postButton", "buttonId": button_id, "buttonText": button_text, "pageNames": page_names, "postUrl": post_url, "postBodyKeys": post_body_keys, "successMessage": success_message, "failMessage": fail_message, "displayResponse": display_response } --- Returns: Path to yaml file created """ # Path Validation _check_valid_abs_path(output_dir) # URL & pagename validation invalid_urls = [] invalid_pages = [] for button_dict in buttons: if button_dict["buttonType"] == "postButton": url = button_dict["postUrl"] else: url = button_dict["redirectUrl"] if not url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): invalid_urls.append(url) invalid_pages += [ p for p in button_dict["pageNames"] if not _check_valid_page_name(pagename=p) ] if invalid_urls and invalid_pages: value_error_message = f"Invalid url and pagenames. \ url(s) {invalid_urls} must begin with http:// or https:// \ invalid page name(s): {invalid_pages}" LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) elif invalid_urls and not invalid_pages: value_error_message = f"Invalid url(s) {invalid_urls}. Must begin with http:// or https://" LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) elif not invalid_urls and invalid_pages: value_error_message = ( f"Invalid pagename(s): {invalid_pages}. See docs for allowed Tamr button page names" ) LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message) file = f"{extension_name}.yaml" filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, file) output_dict = {"extensionName": extension_name, "buttons": buttons}"Saving {file} to {output_dir}") with open(f"{filepath}", "w") as yaml_file: yaml.dump(output_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=False) return filepath
[docs]@requires_tamr_version(min_version=TAMR_RELEASE_VERSION) def register_buttons( *, tamr_client: Client, buttons: Union[str, List[str]], tamr_install_dir: str, remote_client: Optional["paramiko.SSHClient"] = None, impersonation_username: Optional[str] = None, impersonation_password: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Registers a list of button(s) in a Tamr instance. Requires Tamr restart to display buttons in UI. Important: If NOT running this function using a remote client, this function must be run on the server on which Tamr is installed. Runs in a remote environment if an ssh client is specified otherwise runs in the local shell. If an impersonation_username is provided, the command is run as the provided user. If an impersonation_password is provided, password authentication is used for impersonation, otherwise sudo is used. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Version: Requires Tamr 2022.008.0 or later Args: tamr_client: Tamr Client object buttons: An individual string or a list of yaml files (absolute paths) with button configs tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed remote_client: An ssh client providing a remote connection impersonation_username: A bash user to run the command as, this should be the tamr install user impersonation_password: The password for the impersonation_username Returns: """ if isinstance(buttons, str): buttons = [buttons] # Clean up path _check_valid_abs_path(tamr_install_dir) if tamr_install_dir.endswith("/"): tamr_install_dir = tamr_install_dir[:-1]"Registering the following buttons in Tamr: {buttons}") for button in buttons: # Run the register command command = ( f"{tamr_install_dir}/tamr/utils/ ui:config --extensionConfig {button}" )"Registering {button}") _run_command( command=command, remote_client=remote_client, impersonation_username=impersonation_username, impersonation_password=impersonation_password, enforce_success=True, )
[docs]def delete_buttons(*, button_files: Union[str, List[str]], tamr_install_dir: str): """Given a list of button yaml files, delete them thus removing the button from UI. NB: Registered buttons are located in $TAMR_HOME/tamr/auxiliary-sevrices/conf Requires restart of Tamr to register deletion. Button features are only available to versions 2022.008.0 and later. Args: button_files: Individual string or list of button yaml files (absolute paths) tamr_install_dir: Full path to directory where Tamr is installed (absolute path) Returns: """ if isinstance(button_files, str): button_files = [button_files] # Check all files exist missing_files = [f for f in button_files if not os.path.exists(f)] if missing_files: warning_message = f"File(s) {missing_files} not found" LOGGER.warning(warning_message) # Work with present files only present_files = [x for x in button_files if x not in set(missing_files)] if not present_files: error_message = "None of provided files found." raise FileNotFoundError(error_message) button_dir = os.path.join(tamr_install_dir, "tamr/auxiliary-services/conf") # Check present button files provided reside in correct folder. path_list = present_files + [button_dir] if os.path.commonpath(path_list) != button_dir: value_error_message = f"All button files provided must belong to {button_dir} \ otherwise deletion will not register." LOGGER.error(value_error_message) raise ValueError(value_error_message)"Removing yaml files from {button_dir}") for file in present_files: os.remove(file)"Deleted {file}")