Source code for tamr_toolbox.utils.version

"""Tasks related to the version of Tamr instances"""
from functools import wraps
import inspect
import json
import logging
import warnings
from import Callable
from typing import List, Optional

from packaging.version import parse
from tamr_unify_client import Client

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def current(client: Client) -> str: """ Gets the version of Tamr for provided client Args: client: Tamr client Returns: String representation of Tamr version """ if client.port == 9100: url = "/api/versioned/service/version" else: url = "/api/service/version" response = client.get(url).successful() return json.loads(response.content)["version"]
def _as_float(version: str) -> float: """ Converts string Tamr version to an orderable numeric representation The numeric representation is designed to allow for the ordering of Tamr versions from oldest to newest. The values are not guaranteed to be sequential even if the versions are sequential. Formats covered: year.release.patch (2020.001.1) major.minor.patch (0.43.0) Args: version: String representation of Tamr version Returns: Numeric representation of Tamr version """ warnings.warn("Use `packaging.version.parse() instead.'", DeprecationWarning) version_split = version.split(".") if len(version_split) != 3: raise ValueError(f"Tamr version {version} does not match known patterns.") version_split = [float(x) for x in version_split] return (version_split[0] * 1000) + version_split[1] + (version_split[2] / 10) def _get_tamr_versions_from_function_args(*args, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """ Gets the Tamr version of any/all relevant inputs Args: *args: Any argument that may/may not be linkable to a versioned Tamr client **kwargs: Any argument that may/may not be linkable to a versioned Tamr client Returns: List of all Tamr versions inputted to the function """ all_args = locals() args = [arg for arg in all_args["args"]] kwargs = list(all_args["kwargs"].values()) all_args_parsed = args + kwargs response = [] # Return the client version (if we can find it) for arg in all_args_parsed: if type(arg) is Client: response.append(current(arg)) elif hasattr(arg, "client"): if type(arg.client) is Client: response.append(current(arg.client)) return response
[docs]def is_version_condition_met( *, tamr_version: str, min_version: str, max_version: Optional[str] = None, exact_version: bool = False, raise_error: bool = False, ) -> bool: """ Check if Tamr version is valid. Args: tamr_version: The version of Tamr being considered min_version: The earliest version of Tamr max_version: The latest version of Tamr. Default None, in which case no max version is tested for. exact_version: Compare against only one release of Tamr. Default is False raise_error: If True, raise an error if the version condition is not met. Default is False. Raises: ValueError: if `min_version` is greater than `max_version` EnvironmentError: if `raise_error` is True, and the condition is not met Notes: Patch versions (major.minor.patch) are excluded from the comparison If exact_version is True, max_version will be ignored See Also: utils.version.func_requires_tamr_version """ error_str = None tamr_version_sub = parse(tamr_version).release[:2] min_version_sub = parse(min_version).release[:2] if exact_version: if not min_version_sub == tamr_version_sub: error_str = f"must be exactly {min_version}." elif max_version: max_version_sub = parse(max_version).release[:2] if min_version_sub > max_version_sub: raise ValueError("min_version must be smaller than max_version") if not min_version_sub <= tamr_version_sub <= max_version_sub: error_str = f"must be between {min_version} and {max_version}." elif not min_version_sub <= tamr_version_sub: error_str = f"must be at least {min_version}." if error_str and raise_error: raise EnvironmentError(f"Using Tamr version(s) {tamr_version}, but " + error_str) else: return not error_str
[docs]def requires_tamr_version( min_version: str, max_version: Optional[str] = None, exact_version: bool = False ) -> Callable: """ Pie decorator for Tamr version checking Args: min_version: The earliest version of Tamr that supports the function max_version: The latest version of Tamr that supports the function. Default None, supporting all latest releases of Tamr exact_version: If True, only support one release of Tamr. Default is False Examples: >>> @requires_tamr_version(min_version="2021.002") >>> def refresh_dataset(tamr_dataset, *args, **kwargs): >>> return tamr_dataset.refresh() Raises: ValueError: if `min_version` is greater than `max_version` EnvironmentError: if `raise_error` is True, and the condition is not met Notes: This decorator only inspects the Tamr version of arguments going into the function, and not new instances of Tamr referred to within functional code Patch versions (major.minor.patch) are excluded from the comparison See Also: utils.version.is_version_condition_met """ def _decorator(func): @wraps(func) def _inspector(*args, **kwargs): for tamr_version in _get_tamr_versions_from_function_args(*args, **kwargs): is_version_condition_met( tamr_version=tamr_version, min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version, exact_version=exact_version, raise_error=True, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return _inspector return _decorator
[docs]def enforce_after_or_equal(client: Client, *, compare_version: str) -> None: """Raises an exception if the version of the Tamr client is before the provided compare version Will be deprecated in favour of raise_warn_tamr_version() Args: client: Tamr client compare_version: String representation of Tamr version Returns: None See Also: raise_warn_tamr_version ensure_tamr_version """ warnings.warn("Use `is_version_condition_met'", DeprecationWarning) current_version = current(client) if _as_float(current_version) < _as_float(compare_version): raise NotImplementedError( f"This function is not available in Tamr {current_version}. " f"Upgrade to Tamr {compare_version} or later to use this function." )
def _deprecated_warning(func: Callable, *, message: str) -> Callable: """ Decorator to log a warning message when the passed function is called. Intended for warning about deprecated functions. Args: func: The function to attach the warning message to message: The warning message Returns: The decorated function """ warnings.warn( "Use warnings.warn with `DeprecationWarning', ensuring" "`logging.captureWarnings' is True", DeprecationWarning, ) def warning(*args, **kwargs): try: current_frame = inspect.currentframe() previous_frame = current_frame.f_back calling_lineno = previous_frame.f_lineno calling_func = previous_frame.f_code LOGGER.warning( f"In {calling_func.co_filename}:{calling_func.co_name}:{calling_lineno} {message}" ) finally: # Avoid reference cycle # del current_frame del previous_frame return func(*args, **kwargs) return warning