import logging
from typing import List, Set, Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
import networkx as nx
from tamr_unify_client import Client
from tamr_unify_client.project.resource import Project
from tamr_toolbox.models.project_type import ProjectType
from typing import Dict, Any
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Graph:
A dataclass for holding a set of Tamr project dependencies (edges),
and the generated graph from them.
edges: set
directed_graph: nx.DiGraph
def _get_upstream_projects(project: Project, *, all_projects: List[Project]) -> List[Project]:
get projects immediately upstream of a given project
project: the project to check
all_projects: a list of all Projects on the Tamr Core instance
A list of project names upstream of the project
client = project.client
# find upstream datasets - if GR project just get input datasets
if ProjectType[project.type] == ProjectType.GOLDEN_RECORDS:
upstream_datasets = [x for x in project.input_datasets().stream()]
# else find the upstream datasets of the UD (not input datasets to capture datasets used in Tx)
unified_dataset_id = project.unified_dataset().relative_id
unified_dataset = client.datasets.by_relative_id(unified_dataset_id)
upstream_datasets = unified_dataset.upstream_datasets()
upstream_project_names = []
# walk through upstream datasets
for upstream_result in upstream_datasets:
# get the upstream object as a dataset
upstream_dataset = client.datasets.by_resource_id(upstream_result.resource_id)
# see if it is the output of a project and if so add to the list
upstream_dataset_projects = set(
x.project_name for x in upstream_dataset.usage().usage.output_from_project_steps
upstream_project_names.extend([x for x in upstream_dataset_projects])
# we have all projects in all_projects variables so only return those whose
# name is in upstream_project_names
return [x for x in all_projects if in upstream_project_names]
def _build_edges(
project: Project, client: Client, *, edges: set = None, all_projects: List[Project]
) -> Set[Tuple[str, str]]:
builds a set of tuples of all edges of format (source, target)
project: the project to get edges for
client: tamr client
edges: set of tuples (source, target)
all_projects: a list of all Projects on the Tamr Core instance
upstream_projects = _get_upstream_projects(project, all_projects=all_projects)
if edges is None:
edges = set()
for upstream_project in upstream_projects:
# add the edge for this upstream dataset
# if we've already walked backward for this upstream dataset don't keep walking
# you know we've walked it if it shows up as the target in an edge (hence the [1] index)
if any( == x[1] for x in edges):
f"skipping dataset {} since it is already"
f" in edges as target: {[ x for x in edges if x[1]]}"
# and then go to it and get it's upstream datasets
further_upstream_edges = _build_edges(
upstream_project, client, edges=set(edges), all_projects=all_projects
# print(f"adding further upstream edges {further_upstream_edges}")
edges = edges.union(further_upstream_edges)
return edges
[docs]def from_edges(edges: Set[tuple]) -> Graph:
Directly build a graph from a list of edges - tuples of format (source, target) dependencies
edges: List of edges in tuple format
Graph object
graph = nx.DiGraph()
return Graph(edges=edges, directed_graph=graph)
[docs]def from_project_list(projects: List[Project], client: Client) -> Graph:
Creates a graph from a list of datasets
projects: list of Tamr dataset objects
client: tamr client
A Graph object built from the dependencies of the datasets passed
# start with empty set
graph_edges = set()
# save all projects to list so we don't have to hit the API every time
all_projects = [x for x in]
# for each dataset get the edges and take union
for project in projects:
graph_edges = set(
graph_edges.union(_build_edges(project, client, all_projects=all_projects))
graph = nx.DiGraph()
return Graph(edges=graph_edges, directed_graph=graph)
[docs]def get_source_nodes(graph: Graph) -> List[str]:
Gives all source nodes in a graph
graph: Graph for which to find source nodes
List of node names
di_graph = graph.directed_graph
source_nodes = []
for n in di_graph.nodes():
if not [x for x in di_graph.predecessors(n)]:
return source_nodes
[docs]def get_end_nodes(graph: Graph):
Returns all end nodes in a directed graph
graph: Graph for which to find end nodes
List of names of all end nodes
di_graph = graph.directed_graph
end_nodes = []
for n in di_graph.nodes():
if not [x for x in di_graph.successors(n)]:
return end_nodes
[docs]def get_projects_by_tier(graph: Graph) -> Dict[int, Any]:
Find the different projects at each tier
graph: the Graph for which to generate the tiers
A json dict who's structure is {'tier': [paths_at_that_tier], ...}
e.g. {1: ['SM_project_1', 'Classification_project_1'], 2: ['Mastering_project'],
3: ['Golden_records_project']}
source_nodes = get_source_nodes(graph)
path_tier_dict = {0: []}
for n in graph.directed_graph.nodes:
# just add source nodes to tier 0
if n in source_nodes:
# since all dependent projects must be run first
# the tier is the maximum length of all simple paths to this node
# so get the max length from all source nodes
tier = 0
for s in source_nodes:
current_paths = [x for x in nx.all_simple_paths(graph.directed_graph, s, n)]
# skip source nodes that don't link to this project
if not current_paths:
max_path_length = len(max(current_paths, key=lambda x: len(x)))
if max_path_length > tier:
tier = max_path_length
# decrement tier to count from 0
tier = tier - 1
# check if tier exists in the dict, if so add to it, else create entry
if tier in path_tier_dict:
path_tier_dict[tier] = [n]
return {k: set(v) for k, v in path_tier_dict.items()}
[docs]def get_all_downstream_nodes(graph: Graph, node: str) -> Set[str]:
Get all nodes downstream of this one (i.e. they have a path from this node to them)
graph: the graph to use
node: the node to check
A list of downstream node names
downstream_paths = []
diGraph = graph.directed_graph
for n in diGraph.nodes():
all_paths = [x for x in nx.all_simple_paths(diGraph, node, n)]
if all_paths:
for path in all_paths:
# the above generates a list of things like
# [projectA, projectB, projectA, projectC] if projectA goes to both project_B and project_C
# so make a set, then remove the node itself
downstream_nodes = {x for x in set(downstream_paths) if x != node}
return downstream_nodes
[docs]def get_successors(graph: Graph, node: str) -> Set[str]:
Get all successor nodes to the current node
graph: the graph to use
node: the node to check
A set of nodes that are successors to the current node
di_graph = graph.directed_graph
return set(x for x in di_graph.successors(node))
[docs]def get_predecessors(graph: Graph, node: str) -> Set[str]:
Get all predecessor nodes to the current node
graph: the graph to use
node: the node to check
A set of nodes that are predecessors to the current node
di_graph = graph.directed_graph
return set(x for x in di_graph.predecessors(node))
[docs]def add_edges(graph: Graph, edges: Set[tuple]) -> Graph:
Takes an existing graph and creates a new one with the new edge
graph: the graph to start with
edges: the edges to add
A copy of initial graph with new edge
old_edges = set(graph.directed_graph.edges)
new_edges = old_edges.union(edges)
return from_edges(new_edges)